I want to help you grow a healthy, sustainable business and life.
My Mission:
Businesses led by women are growing and outpacing male-owned businesses.
However, financial literacy tailored to the way women communicate and safe spaces for them to openly speak about their money is scarce in the market. But, it shouldn’t be.
I’m Kash the Bookkeeper and I want to be your resource for helpful, accurate information and a safe space for support so you can stay in business and thrive.
Some of my favorite nicknames from my clients include : “The QuickBooks Phenom” “The Bookkeeping Angel” and “The Marie Kondo of Bookkeeping”
The Story
You shouldn’t have to feel like you need a lifetime of experience in finance to successfully run a business like the queen you are. You can rely on Kash’s lifetime of experience helping others manage and multiply their money instead.
{2011} Kash left a top position in the largest hedge fund administration to take a 30% pay cut, move to Richmond, and have a work-life balance.
{2014} Kash was fired from her new job in Richmond.
{2014} Embarking on the closing of a new home and approaching the arrival of her son, she decided to figure out how to replace her 5-figure job and stay home by bootstrapping a new bookkeeping business.
{2015} Kash met a member of Elite BNI during a casual stroll through her neighborhood. While talking over cookies, he asked her if she wanted some business and invited her to a networking event. Kash credits the success of her business to that chance encounter and BNI.
{2018} Kash brought on more team members to support an exponentially growing number of motivated and powerhouse clients.
{2020} The Launch of Kash’s weekly live radio show, Money Matters, that is heard across 171 countries.
The reason Kash is so motivated to reach as many women business leaders as possible and share her knowledge has a lot to do with her own experiences. Having grown up with a single mother who owned her own business, Kash watched her mom struggle, spending hours pouring over paperwork all to see a red number at the end of the year. After her mom fell into all the classic small business traps and ended up in bankruptcy, Kash saw that the loss of the business was really hard on her mom.
A big driver for Kash is to help more businesses stay in business without owner burnout. Kash is passionate about helping entrepreneurial women and female small business owners – particularly women of color – gain the financial literacy and confidence they need to build a healthy sustainable business and life.
Though Kash the Bookkeeper’s boutique accounting firm is located in Richmond, Virginia, they have clients across the United States. Offering accounting coaching, bookkeeping process implementation, automation, and maintenance, Kash’s team helps small business owners take back control of their businesses with newfound belief in their dreams.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Bookkeepers, accountants and certified public accountants (CPAs) all work with businesses’ financial data. Bookkeepers record when a company receives, pays or owes money. Accountants provide more in-depth analysis than bookkeepers, have at least a bachelor’s degree, can review business finances and give management a big-picture perspective. A CPA or certified public accountant is an accountant with a state license, completes tax returns and audits.
Bookkeepers ensure that all of a company’s expenses, income, and transactions are recorded in the company’s books and reconcile the company’s financial accounts, typically on a monthly basis. Accountants turn it into usable information for business planning
Every company needs someone to keep track of the books. Whether you hire an employee or a contractor, you will need a bookkeeper. That bookkeeper might work for an accountant or a CPA.You also must have someone to help you review your financial reports and help you make decisions on finances and taxes.A CPA gives tax advice, as well as prepares and submits business and personal tax returns.